Kamili 46 % melk/milk
NOK 99.00 Inkl. m.v.a.*
Melkesjokolade av fruktig Kokoa Kamili kakao (Tanzania) og norsk melkepulver.
Smaksnoter: Fløte, nougat, marshmallows, cashewnøtter (inneholder ikke nøtter)
Milk chocolate made with the fruity Kokoa Kamili cocoa (Tanzania) and Norwegian milk powder.
Tasting notes: Cream, nougat, marshmallows, cashews (does not contain nuts)
Smaksnoter: Fløte, nougat, marshmallows, cashewnøtter (inneholder ikke nøtter)
Milk chocolate made with the fruity Kokoa Kamili cocoa (Tanzania) and Norwegian milk powder.
Tasting notes: Cream, nougat, marshmallows, cashews (does not contain nuts)
Kategori Sjokoladeplater - Chocolate bars
* Basert på levering til Norway. Skattesatser for andre land vil bli kalkulert i kassen. Pris eks. m.v.a.: NOK 86.09.